Author Archives: jimjims


Big Gash – Little Gash (Baby Stella) – Camera Phone Shoddy Shot

Southern Lines

South Carolina – I was on my way to Charleston a few months back and came across this gem of a tree. Love how life like trees can be in the South.


Seek and Hide

Chadwick’s Boat – Newport Beach


Aside from shooting photos and videos I have my hands in marketing projects and strategic digital jargon. Its a fun little deal, and I get to work with some amazing people. In this case, my buddy Joey (a web guru and talented photographer) and I got to tackle a site for Stanley & Sons. In the past I was taken away by their product line and always had their aprons pinned to my inspiration board. So its been  an honor to work with them. Hats off to Chris and the crew for all the hard work and dedication to making amazing things with much tender loving care. Checkem’ out!

Appalachian Getaway

Spent a few days last week working in The Appalachian region of North Carolina. Dig the wilderness out there. Here’s a shot a client sent over to me. Had fun working with these guys here. Beautiful little four legged creatures!

To Distort Socially



Dropping Shaka Bombs



Walking the Walk

Taylor walking the walk and styling out in Venice Beach.

The BU by Kenzo

Here’s a shot by my buddy Kenzo at Malibu last week – Felt good to be back out in the water on my favorite twiny. In New York now hustling like a monkey! Back in CA soon for some work and play! Yeauuuh!


Desert Oasis

Mr. Coyne chilaxin in the California desert.


Scott’s Denim Bling

Denim Studies – Scott the ladies mang


More from 245

10th Avenue’s Finest


Mr. Campbell

Mr. Campbell


Coyning Up

Mr. Sean Coyne of Eagle & Pig suiting up for Joshua Tree’s first annual last minute corporate commercial shoot with Tea in the Woods and SeaGranite.


Photo by Sam over at Tea

JT in the Coating Room

Been logging in some hours with my buddy JT. We’re working on a few marketing materials for his company. Psyched on his commitment to providing well crafted boards. He does it all from shaping to glassing and even shredding on his own magic carpets. I got to test drive a few models the other day and they are pretty killer – can’t wait to get my quiver going!


Orange County Underground

Adam Walker of Fly Canvas Goods toying beneath the sea of madness that is Orange County.


My buddy Josh diving into a sea of goodness – Photo by Mr. Unknown

Marcus at the BU

Summer 2011 at Malibu with Marcus of Sea Granite and the boys over at Tea in the Woods.


Johnny B for Howe

Here’s some oldies from the archives of my buddy Johnny B. I really enjoy working with friends on projects and shoots for clients. I shot a few samples for Howe Clothing of Johnny and they ended up really pumped on his look so they asked me to nab him for this catalog shoot.


The Studio of All Studios

Cass’s Pittsburgher Creative Jam


Stevie and Ebbers

Stevie and little Ebbers hangin around in the back country.


City on the Hill

Cinque Terre



Stevie Doubled

Here’s an accidental double exposure I shot back in the winter. Excited it actually came out!

Longest Table Ever

Came across this puppy on a little gig in SOHO last week. Sweet!

Sir Marcus

Sea Granite posse in Big Sur.


Fletcher Matthew

Mr. Matthew Fletcher at the keys.


Front Row Tailgate Partay

Looking forward to seeing these faces in a few days. Scotty and Sammy are old college buddies of mine. I’ve used these guys in some old campaigns and pitches to clients. They will also be gracing the pages of a little print dealio that I am currently putting together.


Carolina Sun

Winter up north gets a little chilly. Breaking away from the city and breathing in some warmer fresh air is always great. More images to come of my sweet Carolina.


Panda World Dominance

Stevie Kickin It

Stevie logging in some time on the tree bridge – Holly Jims Trail


Explosives strapped onto ice cream bars. Who does that…? What a great idea.

Getting Rosay

Michael Rosas – The man, the myth, the legend at the Santa Ana studios shredding away at a few new tunes with the boys. And that Tele… That thing is awesome. Michael’s got quite an arsenal of wonderful axes.